Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

My Pirate Name

Posted: September 30, 2008 in Uncategorized
Ok Ok, I know it’s late for "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Sept. 19), but I just found this hilarious "Pirate Name" quiz and it left me laughing all over the place. So I decided that I wanted to save the html block before it vanished into oblivion. I also figured, hey, those that know me outside of cyberspace (and several in it) would probably laugh and at about how fitting it is. So what better place to preserve this bit of humor than post it than by poor neglected blog?

My pirate name is:
Mad Anne Bonney

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate’s life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Note Self: SytemInfo

Posted: December 18, 2007 in Uncategorized

Systeminfo >

Ok so every once in a while I need to inventory a computer or two. There’s a pretty easy way to do it that will even create a .csv file that you can compile with other files if you have a lot of computers to inventory. I feel silly for not looking this up sooner.

OK so you go to the command prompt (if you don’t know how to get to the command prompt or how to use it, do a little research on the Microsoft website before playing with this kind of stuff or you stand a chance of messing some things up or just getting lost).

At the prompt type systeminfo /FO CSV > C:\computerinfo.csv.

This will itemize the information about your computer, set it up in a .csv format, and then write it to the c drive as the file computerinfo.csv.

Civic vs Metro Bus

Posted: August 8, 2007 in Uncategorized

When you commute you see a lot of people trying to buzz around the bus. They must be under the impression that the busses are slower or that they just aren’t as dangerous. Busses however are really big and really heavy, which means that it takes a lot of power to get them moving in the first place, and once they go, it takes a while to stop. This may be rude physics, but it seems to me that the mass of a bus and the energy required to get that bus moving would essentially turn a bus into a battering ram.

In the case of this very unlucky Honda Civic, there wasn’t much left.  Albeit high speed and other factors may have been involved, but the lesson for the rest of us would be this simple formula:

Car vs. Bus = Pancake

Sweet iRony

Posted: July 11, 2007 in Uncategorized

OK, for anyone else who is tired of hearing stuff about the iPhone, well here’s a little something iPhone action that will leave you laughing.  The folks at Blendtec have placed an iPhone in a blender set to smoothie and lets just say that the let out the iSmoke.

Check out this and other blending antics at

coffee littlebrownmouse

Hi All

Posted: December 9, 2006 in Uncategorized
Sorry I haven’t written much.  There are more reasons against blogging than for blogging these days.  But I guess that if I’m going to blog I should just talk about what I’m interested in, which is pretty broad right now because there’s so much out there.  For the most part I like creating and manipulating databases. Right now I’m in the novice stage and hovering, mostly because I’m so easily distracted. 

Snowing in Seattle

Posted: November 26, 2006 in Uncategorized
It’s snowing here in Seattle. Since I have my camera and some spare time available I figured that I’d post some pictures. We live just a little north of Downtown Seattle, and we’re getting close to an inch.

Ink Blog Test

Posted: November 12, 2006 in Uncategorized


Posted: September 14, 2006 in Uncategorized
I’ve finally uploaded some new pictures, hopefully this weekend I’ll have a chance to take more.


Posted: September 11, 2006 in Uncategorized
OK, my family does not hate me.
I’m pretty happy about that.  They could if they wanted to though, and I wouldnt’ hold it against them.  Lately I’ve been so caught up in work.  What I do isn’t easy.  It’s even harder when you’re challenged to begin with.  I like it though. I get to help people. It’s nice to hear from Megan and Diana.  They’re my sisters in law.  My brothers are very lucky.
I am too.  Spooky takes good care of me.  He’s in school so I take care of the money stuff (yuck). But he takes care of me and our place.  It’s cool.
Thanks everyone for stopping by. Squeeze the little people for me, and the the boys too! Oh and thanks for your understanding.


Posted: August 7, 2006 in Uncategorized
It’s strange how life twists and turns on you . Just when you think you’ve got things working, they seem to get too heavy or they just fall apart.